woensdag 23 oktober 2013

Jackie Kennedy als gids in Pakistan (1962)

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Onderaan deze bijdrage kun je kijken naar een korte Amerikaanse film uit 1962 (van de USIS, United States Information Service): "Invitation to Pakistan". Voor jouw gemak heb ik de voice-overs (en de speech van Jackie Kennedy) getranscribeerd. Een boeiend tijdsbeeld, indeed!

NB: Ik heb niet alles goed kunnen verstaan. Mocht je op- of aanmerkingen hebben voor wat betreft de transcriptie, stuur me dan een bericht via Twitter: @AbdulwadudLouws

[athan, islamic call to prayer]

The Unity of God. The Oneness of the Universe. The Brotherhood of Men. The age-old articles of faith of the people of Islam have begun to acquire a new meaning today in the life of the young nation of Pakistan: a national homeland for the muslim people. Inheritors of a tradition and a culture whose roots go deep into the ancient past: Pakistani's look to their faith to guide their nation's future. Our people seek: equality, solidity and freedom - with the words of Pakistan's poet/philosopher Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, who lies buried at the great Badshahi Mosque in the ancient city of Lahore.

Three centuries have gone by since Aurangzeb, last of the great Mughal emperors, entered Lahore on the back of an elephant. The twentieth century has brought new techniques to Pakistan. It has brought new friends; field marshall Muhammad Ayoub Khan, president of Pakistan, Malik Amir Muhammad Khan, governor of West-Pakistan and United States ambassador Walter P. McConaughy greet Mrs. John F. Kennedy, wife of the 35th president of the United States. Pakistan has played host to kings and to queens. To prime-ministers and to presidents. For the first time in its history Pakistan offers its proverbial hospitality to the wife of the president.
And at the United States embassy embassador McConaughy welcomes his visitor from ninethousand miles away.

United in many fields, Pakistan and the United States, a variety of cultures and traditions, come together in friendship and in common cause. The tradition of independence is close to the hearts of freedom-loving people everywhere. Mrs. Kennedy and his [sic] sister Lee Radziwill join in the celebration of Pakistan Day. Mrs. Kennedy honors the memory of the founder of the Pakistan homeland. Two nations striving for independence and freedom, said Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the United States democracy has acted as a beacon light and an inspiration.

Sevenhundred-and-fifty miles southwest of Lahore, on the shores of the Arabian sea, lies the port-city of Karachi. From the busy city streets rises a realistic monument to the Quaid-i-Azam's belief in his country's strength. The modern state bank of Pakistan, symbol of economic freedom and of faith in a nation's future.
The future of any nation, young or old, lies with the children.The children's wing of the Jinnah Central Hospital, largest in Pakistan, receives the cooperation and support of many nations. The mother of two young children, Mrs. Kennedy knows what it means to bring a smile to the face of a sick child. Among the gifts and the equipment she has brought from the United States to Jinnah Hospital, not the least is Mrs. Kennedy's own delight in making a new young friend.

Never far from Pakistan's hope for the future are her memories of the past. Through the ancient streets of Peshawar, gateway to Pakistan's North-West Frontier, Mrs. Kennedy follows the route history followed. Qissa Khawani, the bazaar of the storytellers, was centuries a meeting-place of soldier and tribesman, of merchant and scholar, on their way down the long stretch of perilous road from the mountain regions of the Khyber Pass. Descendants of the tribesmen of old still guard the bleak approaches[?] to the Pass. The [tribal Malik] still welcome friends in the traditional way with the traditional gifts.

The Khyber Rifles, historical defenders of the fertile valley of the Indus, of the land below the mountains.
Year after year, century after century, friend and invader traveled this road. Armies and caravans, bound for the riches of the great subcontinent of Asia. Horiace  the Great, Alexander of Macedonia, Gengis Khan, Tumura[?] Samarkand, swept down across these mountains.
Sundown at the governor's house in Peshawar. The drums of the Khyber tribesmen no longer sound for battle but provide for the American visitor an ancient ritual: the Khattak's dance.

The pump and ceremony of another day now mark the opening of a modern ritual. Celebrating a young tradition in the ancient city of Lahore. The 9th Annual Pakistani National Horse and Cattle Show.
President Ayyoub's gift for Mrs. Kennedy [a horse, see still ] Sada, descendant of an Ascot winner, traces his ancestry back to the famed stables of the Aga Khan. A gift from the president and the people. A symbol of the warmth of the welcome the visitor from America received wherever she went: from Lahore to Rawalpindi, from Peshawar to Karachi.

From the distant plains of Texas and the subways of New York are brought to Bashir the camel driver the good wishes of many Americans and the greetings of Mrs. Kennedy and his [sic] sister. Bashir has his own contribution to make to Mrs Kennedy's visit to Pakistan [i.e. a camel drive, see still ].

In the search for identity, for purpose and for a place in the twentieth century, Pakistan has not forgotten man's need to green[?]. Over threehundred years ago the Shalimar Gardens brought repose to a Mughal emperor. Today the Gardens offer repose and delight to anyone who seeks it.

[speech by Jackie Kennedy]
"I must say I'm profoundly impressed by the reverence which you in Pakistan have for your art and for your culture and for the use which you make of it now. My own country, we too have our pride and our traditions. So I think, as I stand in these Gardens which were built long before my country was born, that that's one more thing that binds us together and which always will."

[voice-over by Jackie Kennedy]
I was sad to have to say goodbye so soon to president Ayyoub, to the governor of West-Pakistan and to the people of this vital and beautiful country. I had always heard of Pakistan's proverbial hospitality and it was even more than I had expected. I hope that with my husband I will be able to return again soon for a visit with the people of West-Pakistan and East-Pakistan too.

directed by Leo Seltzer
written by Doris Ransohoff
narrated by Raymond Massey
a Hearst Metrotone Production

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